Shell Script Loader 0.2.2 and Extended 0X.2.2 Released

More updates have been made with Shell Script Loader 0.2.2 and Shell Script Loader Extended 0X.2.2:

  • Improved detection of current directory in generic implementation.

  • Removed calls to hash, and made script exit when calls to external commands fail.

  • Used a single awk instead of using grep and sed for extracting flag variables names in generic implementation.

  • Made variables of the generic version of getcleanpath() more properly integrated.

  • Improved or simplified patterns, and some syntax-related stuff.

Shell Script Loader 0.2.1 and Extended 0X.2.1 Released

Shell Script Loader 0.2.1 and Shell Script Loader Extended 0X.2.1 has been released with the following changes:

  • getcleanpath functions now use simpler word splitting wih filename expansion temporarily disabled. This avoids internal use of temporary files and pipes. All versions of bash now only use one version of getcleanpath thanks to it. Ksh variants also now only use two.

    The generic version has also been enhanced and no longer requires a subfunction summoned in a subshell.

  • Local variables now use lowercase characters.

Shell Script Loader 0.2 and Extended 0X.2 Released

Shell Script Loader 0.2 and Shell Script Loader Extended 0X.2 has been released with the following changes:

  • Function calls are now less recursive by one level.
  • Now using getcleanpath instead of getabspath. It is simpler, and we don’t need the strict features of getabspath.
  • Added loader.bash-4 which strictly supports Bash version 4.0 and above.
  • Also added loader-include-prototype.bash.
  • Added support for MirBSD Ksh.
  • Now using hash to remember location of executable binaries in some places that are applicable and helpful to improve performance without being completely explicit about the path.
  • Reformatted messages to more proper case form.
  • Reformatted changelog file.
  • Some non-critical fixes.
  • It’s a complete code overhaul.

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